Formation Flying at Emory Ranch

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Formation Flying at Emory Ranch

Post by bawells »

So despite the PC-12 being the new hotness a bunch of us got together out at Emory Ranch last night to do some formation flying in the Alabeo Su-26, Pitts and a B200 - the latter of which acted as the rabbit the rest us fell in behind to chase. It was a lot of fun and Emory Ranch with its excess of wind turbines provides the perfect environment to get low and pull (or push) some Gs in a russian made death trap.

Chasing the B200..
SU26_1.png (1.06 MiB) Viewed 2030 times

Twitch user Lumberhax 'improving international relations' with the B200.. Which honestly, should be PERFECT at this point considering how much time he spent inverted last night (phrasing?).
SU26_3.png (873.18 KiB) Viewed 2030 times
I know some other guys were taking screenshots too so maybe they can add to this thread..
Ben Wells
Twitch: uberb0t
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:29 pm

Re: Formation Flying at Emory Ranch

Post by fivechickens »

After Emory Ranch we hit up an undisclosed airport once PE closed for some non-precision approaches.

PE V3 - I11 Rated - All in a Helicopter (BH407, BK117, S-92)
Alphabet Challenge in a Helicopter - 2 legs completed.
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