[Fri September 10th - 6pm PDT] (virtual) Fly-in to FSExpo

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[Fri September 10th - 6pm PDT] (virtual) Fly-in to FSExpo

Post by Kevin_atc »

Flight Sim Expo (FSExpo) has become the most popular flight simulator convention over the past few years. This year, FSExpo is being held in San Diego, CA. While PilotEdge won't have a physical presence at FSExpo this year, we wanted to show our support for the convention and for the industry by hosting a fly-in on the PilotEdge network.

This event will differ from the typical point A->B event in that pilots may depart from the airport of their choosing, at any time, as long as they plan their arrival at either KSAN or KMYF to be between 1800-2000 PDT (0100-0300z). This allows pilots to get creative with their flying, fly long routes, short routes, or maybe even multiple flights within the arrival window. This will also create a very diverse, realistic, and busy terminal environment in and around San Diego.

As always, VFR and IFR aircraft are welcome.

Friday, September 10th
Pistons: Arrive at KMYF between 6-8pm Pacific Time
Turboprops: Arrive at either KMYF or KSAN between 6-8pm Pacific Time
Jets: Arrive at KSAN between 6-8pm Pacific Time


Want to learn more about FSExpo? Visit https://www.flightsimexpo.com/
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