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Focus airports for each beta night

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:53 pm
by Keith Smith
The front page of the web site contains a set of focus airports for each night that the beta runs.

Pilots generally enjoy flying in the same airspace as others so they can hear them on the radio, see them in the sky and/or have their own flight affected in some way by other traffic.

Once we have a large volume of live traffic on the network, this will happen, by and large, without any prior coordination. Until we reach that point, though, if we want to see and hear other live traffic, pilots need to have an idea as to where and when they should show up.

That is the whole idea of the focus airport program. Simply review the front page on the day of the beta, or follow us on facebook to receive updates on the plan for the evening.

If people have feedback on the program, this is a great place to leave it.
