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Alphabet Challenge Leg 29 K2O7 - K3L2

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:24 pm
by Talan2000

Ok this flight was downright exciting!

You find yourself in a desert mountain valley. What's the best way to get out? I ALWAYS love it when the obstacle clearance number for the grid I'm in is ELEVEN THOUSAND feet higher than I am standing at when I climb into the plane! And the destination, Sky Ranch, looks like a really neat little housing area built around an airport. I always wanted to live in a place like this -- but up on a cliff overlooking a Lake, not endless sand. There's a place like this called Lakeway in Central Texas...
If You can read the rapidly rising terrain note...
If You can read the rapidly rising terrain note...
ObjectsAreLargerThanTheyAppear.JPG (253.99 KiB) Viewed 2834 times
You'll have to consider your climb performance, the winds, density altitude all that good stuff. Do you go back north and out the way you came in or down south and navigate the pass out?

Lessons Learned:
Near Death in Death Valley: Ok, so it's almost a bit, shall I say annoying, how often I get dual engine failures in the ole King Air. I happened to leave Otto in charge for 3-4 minutes while I stepped out to take care of "an issue". I returned to alarms blaring, engines out, 30 degree left angle of bank turn, and a real close look at the goats up on the hills around Schwaub Peak... Recovered. Reset failures in XP. Got another dual failure 2 min later. idea. Motored on.

McFly: Just an FYI but in the picture above, back in the 80's (O26) used to be "Twin Pines," before some kid in a Delorean ran over one of them.

Re: Alphabet Challenge Leg 29 K2O7 - K3L2

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:26 am
by Keith Smith
Did you save the replay file from the King Air failures as suggested? If so, we can look over it to try to debug the King Air issue.

Re: Alphabet Challenge Leg 29 K2O7 - K3L2

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:22 pm
by flyingdrill
I spoke to Center, and was told the MOA's were inactive today. VFR today. I picked up flight following after I had got myself sorted out in the air!
I decided to go SE to Owens Lake, then go East (wow - the magnetic variation here is mind blowing to those of us who usually find it's just a very few degrees!). I had intended to intercept a radial from the Beatty VOR, but I later shortcut myself to HIDEN, and thence to the airport. I had climbed to 11,500' out of 2O7, and had no problem with altitude on my route. The winds today were another story. Carenado's Malibu and X-Plane's ground handling don't mix too well in very strong, gusty winds, and I had to abort two takeoffs. I also have to admit to not the greatest landing at 3L2, where (again) the winds were crazy in the sim. - the dreaded windshear. I wouldn't have been even trying to do this in the RW! Still, I was safely on the ground, and the plane was in one piece. Should have gone around, but I'd had enough, and it's a sim ;)