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KCRO and 24CL For Sale

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:59 pm
by TheMadDocMD
I am looking to part with a couple FBO's that are in central california:
Currently on the sales page:
24CL / 2 lot / 6815 x 75 ft / 60 days of supplies = v$299,857

KCRO / 2 lot / 3800 x 50 ft. / 88 days of supplies = v$339,951

Both of these FBO's are only about 3 miles from each other so it would be profitable doing runs to the area from one location. They are located right on the ZLA/ZOA Boundary so Pilotedge flights would be still good for flight following!

I am willing to offer a 20% discount for PilotEdge members as long as the FBO still hasn't sold at the time of the transaction;

PE members cost:
24CL = v$239,885
KCRO = v$271,960

Message me on here if you would like the deal :D